I’ve been passing Burgerista several times when I was in Salzburg. I always prefer local food/specialties when I travel because one of the ways to experience the culture is through food. However, Burgerista always seems crowded and finally I decided to give it a try.
I love to eat burgers and burgers love to be eaten by me. I tried In-N-Out, Shake Shack, Five Guys, Burger & Beer Joint, but all of them are mostly in North America. You can also see my post about In-N-Out and Shake Shack in Burger Rivalry. In Europe, I haven’t tried anything as good as ’till I feel obsessed with it. Burgerista changed my mind. I love the theme/concept of Burgerista. It’s fun, young and colorful. No wonder that many teenagers (and even adults) eat in here.
A lot of burgers that I wanted to try with just a small appetite. I finally came to a decision to try the Cheeseburger’ista, the double one (€ 4.90), so I got 120g of meat. And for the drink, I bought the free flow drink (€ 2.50), and I can choose between ice tea, lemonade, and sodas. It was the best, tender meat I’ve ever tried. Words can’t even exactly describe how delicious it is. Honestly, it was the best burger I’ve ever tried. I just wanted to devour this burger every time I’m hungry. The fries are as fantastic as the burger. The portion is also just enough to have a moment in heaven of burger.
As always, since I went to Salzburg with my friend, she also had a good time in Burgerista. Most Wanted Burger (€ 6.40), yes that is the name of the burger. It consists of meat, American cheese, onion, tomato, pickles, vegetables, and chili sauce. The taste of the burger is fit for it name, Most Wanted Burger.
There are various of burger in Burgerista that are worth to try. They also offer a freestyle burger where you can create your own. In Burgerista, they have a wall where you can stick your comment. After my friend and I had eaten our burgers, we sat there and just talk for hours. Burgerista is a cozy place to be with your friends and family. And I promise a love at first bite in Burgerista, just like they (Burgerista) promise to everyone.
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